JSC – “First Step of Driving in WA” Workshop
MSC/ JSC has recently initiated a new program which enables CALD clients to get their L plates in a CALD friendly environment . The first partnership was with Status Cannington and the success story from that was that 4 CALD clients who have been struggling to get their L plates for a while were successful in this program. See testimonial from Status Cannington Jobactive provider:
“We would like to thank MSC and particularly yourself for the amazing work you have been doing with our clients. These ladies have gained their motivation back with this step and I am sure they will all be in employment and change their lives very soon. One of our clients ended up attending our site in the afternoon to advise that she gained fulltime employment with D’Orsogna and she was in tears of joy regarding both wins. We very much look forward to collaborating with MSC and continuing to make a difference in our client’s lives.”