Prime Minister Scott Morrison has “slammed perpetrators of racial abuse stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, telling Australians to simply "stop it". The statement echoed comments he made during an SBS News interview, in which “he condemned racism and described Asian migrants as ‘leading the way’ in Australia's COVID-19 response”.
More details can be accessed from
Statement of Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs
The Hon Alan Tudge MP released a statement condemning racism and discrimination, and praising the critical role of multicultural communities in addressing the impact of COVID 19. The statement can be accessed from
Western Australian State Government condemns acts of racism and hate
The Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA, Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests made a statement in Parliament, which inter alia included.
“At a time when we are facing unparalleled challenges, I find instances of racism in our community to be repugnant. In a situation where most Western Australians are pulling together to support each other, it has become clear that some people have used the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to create division and hatred. The Government of Western Australia strongly condemns all forms of racism, discrimination and harassment and has zero tolerance for such acts of hatred. Anyone engaging in this sort of behaviour will be met with the full force of the law.”
The statement can be accessed from