Reporting to the Carers Advisory Council for the year ending
30 June 2013
Western Australian Carers Recognition Act 2004 (CRA)
Compliance with the Western Australian Carers Charter
Organisation Name: Multicultural Services Centre of WA
Completing Officer’s Name: Ramdas Sankaran
Definition of a Carer
A carer is defined in the Carers Recognition Act 2004 as ‘an individual who provides ongoing care or assistance to:
§ a person with a disability…
§ a person who has a chronic illness, including a mental illness…(or)
§ a person who, because of frailty, requires assistance with carrying out everyday tasks …’
The spouse, de facto partner, parent or guardian of the person to whom care or assistance is provided is only considered a carer if they provide ‘ongoing care or assistance’ to an individual in one of the above categories.
The term ‘carer’ does not include people who are employed to provide care or assistance to an individual.
The Western Australian Carers Charter
Under Part 2 s.7(d) of the Carers Recognition Act 2004 any person or body providing a service under contract with a health or disability service is required to comply with the Western Australian Carers Charter.
Please indicate your organisation’s level of competence with each element of the Western Australian Carers Charter:
The Western Australian Carers Charter
Not Met
- Carers must be treated with respect and dignity.
- The role of carers must be recognised by including carers in the assessment, planning, delivery and reviews of services that impact on them and the role of carers.
- The views and needs of carers must be taken into account along with the views, needs and best interests of people receiving care when decisions are made that impact on carers and the role of carers.
- Complaints made by carers in relation to services that impact on them and the role of carers must be given due attention and consideration.
Please complete the following section on related actions to clarify the answers provided in the ‘The Western Australian Carers Charter’ self assessment table.
Please indicate your organisation’s compliance as Met or Not Met.
You are encouraged to attach relevant supporting documents when submitting this information to support your self assessment.
Does your organisation: |
Met |
Not Met |
1. Acknowledge the role of carers in all relevant organisational policies and protocols e.g. mission statement, rights and responsibilities? |
✔ |
2. Acknowledge the role of the carer in all relevant organisational publications e.g. newsletters or annual reports? |
✔ |
3. Include training on the Carers Charter and the role of carers in staff inductions and ongoing staff training? |
✔ |
4. Inform carers of the Carers Charter and relevant organisational policies and protocols? |
✔ |
5. Include carers in the organisation’s strategic planning process? |
✔ |
6. Include carers on the organisation’s Board/Management Committee? |
✔ |
7. Include carers in the assessment and planning processes for direct services? |
✔ |
8. Include carers in the ongoing monitoring of direct services e.g. surveys? |
✔ |
9. Inform carers of the organisation’s complaints policy and their ability to make a formal complaint if the Carers Charter is not upheld e.g. rights and responsibilities? |
✔ |
10. Ensure carers have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of the organisation e.g. satisfaction surveys? |
✔ |
11. Provide avenues for carers to access peer support? |
✔ |
Please feel free to add any additional information that describes your approach to supporting carers and their caring:
A carer’s forum was held on the 12th of November chaired by a carer of an MSCWA consumer to obtain their input to the updating of MSCWA’s Strategic Directions as well as for the service delivery model of the program.
The role of carers is an important part of the Wellness approach that we are implementing and we do all we can to maximise the contributions that carers can make in this regard.
The program also regularly sends out carer packages containing information on support services and other information to support their role as a carer.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this important information.