Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia
Supporting Western Australia’s CaLD communities for over 40 years
Our Services
Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia Inc. (MSC) is an established provider of diverse community services and programs. MSC has been supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) Western Australians for over four decades and aims to address the unmet needs of migrants and refugees.
Multicultural Services Centre deliver a range of individualised culturally appropriate services from personal care through to domestic assistance (HCP). The Multicultural Wellness Program supports and cares for people from culturally diverse backgrounds (CHSP).
The Multicultural Disability Services Program (MDSP) delivers flexible, creative, and individualised support services to people with disability, and families/carers, to live quality and meaningful lives of their choice in the community.
The program provides clients with emergency relief to support immediate financial need. Due to the increasingly disproportionate difference between Centrelink benefits and costs relating to rent and utilities, humanitarian entrants are facing serious financial difficulty which is impeding their successful settlement into Australia.
Partnering with the Perth Family Relationship Centre is a Relationship Australia (WA) to provide information about family relationships at all stages – forming new relationships, overcoming relationship difficulties or dealing with separation and also makes referrals to other services that can help.
The program has been established to help migrant families and individuals to maintain their tenancies, develop links to community resources and other services, increase their knowledge and skills to maintain stable accommodation, increase their knowledge and understanding of services available to migrants.
The Multicultural Services Centre of WA provides a range of employment, education and related services for people of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD). The Jobs & Skills Centre (JSC) will assist people to access education, training and employment.
MAITRI seeks to meet the mental health needs of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds by adopting cultural factors in the management of the condition.
The Settlement Services Program (SETS) provides services to humanitarian entrants, family stream migrants with low English proficiency and members of small emerging communities. Services provided include information, referral, casework, capacity building, service planning, development and integration for SSP eligible clients.
Multicultural Services Centre provides range of services for Australian temporary residents from emergency relief, housing services, employment related assistance and more.
What our clients say
40th Anniversary
Event Sponsors

15 November 2024Sri Lankan Appeal
29 August 2022JSC – “First Step of Driving in WA” Workshop
29 October 2021Afghan Appeal
27 August 2021